Job Posting - University of Denver

University of Denver

Denver, CO

Assistant Professor

Deadline: October 15, 2020

Type of Appointment : Tenure-track/tenured

International/Comparative/Public Policy/Quantitative Modeling/Other: The Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver is seeking to fill three tenure-track positions at the assistant professor level to begin September 2021. The Korbel School is a recognized leader in international studies education and scholarship that serves an undergraduate major, MA students, and a small, selective PhD program. The school is strongly committed to building a diverse and inclusive educational environment in full accord with the value that DU places on its commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion. We are interested in candidates working in the following areas related to global concerns: security (broadly construed), development and its alternatives, sustainability and the environment, and/or long-term integrated assessment modeling, scenario building and quantitative methods. We are especially interested in candidates with research that crosses disciplinary boundaries, connects these broad areas to each other or to additional Korbel priorities in social justice and democracy, and can contribute to diversity, equity and inclusion through their teaching, research, and service.

Successful candidates will have a strong record of research, be able to contribute to the undergraduate and graduate programs at the Josef Korbel School, and demonstrate an ability to integrate content about and work effectively with ethnically/racially diverse populations. Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, CV, writing sample (or publication), research statement, teaching statement, sample syllabi, one-page statement of how the applicant can contribute to values and practices embracing diversity, equity and inclusivity, and teaching evaluations (if available) to the University of Denver's online application system: In addition, candidates should list the names of three references who will be contacted to provide letters. Applications received by October 15, 2020 will receive full consideration. Salary is competitive. Please see our extensive benefit package at Questions about the position can be directed to Professor Deborah Avant, The University of Denver is particularly committed to enhancing the diversity of its faculty and staff and encourages applications from women, minorities, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, people with disabilities and veterans. The University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.